When Chirp – a DePIN for telecoms – was choosing a blockchain, the obvious option was Solana. But it decided to go with Sui instead. CEO Tim Kravchunovsky explains why.
Vitalik Buterin, as Other Crypto Leaders Line Up Behind Trump, Argues Against Picking Candidates Just Because They Like Crypto
The comments from Buterin, widely viewed as Ethereum's intellectual leader, stand in stark contrast to the strongly pro-Trump rhetoric from other well-known crypto figures.
The Protocol: Polymarket Feeds Political Junkies, With Nate Silver
In this week's issue of CoinDesk's blockchain tech newsletter, we look at the "alternative news source" that Polymarket's prediction-betting site has become.
Without High Switching Costs, Telecom Looks Vulnerable to DeWi
High switching costs and long-term contracts have previously made telcos impossible to compete against. Key changes in market structure today are allowing challengers with uni...
Philanthropy's Blockchain Uptake Is Slow, But Future Is Bright
Adoption by non-profits, or the lack of it, is a good test of product simplicity and reliability, says Paul Brody, head of blockchain at EY.
Bitcoin's 'OP_CAT' Possibilities Teased in StarkWare Test Project
StarkWare used its new STARK verifier on the Signet network, a testing environment for Bitcoin, in a proof-on-concept project designed to demonstrate what the oldest blockchai...
'It's a Bitcoin Play': Mark Cuban Says Silicon Valley's Embrace of Trump Revolves Around Crypto
Cuban: "You can't align the stars any better for a BTC price acceleration."
Financial Building-Blocks: Structured Products and Blockchain
From significant cost reductions to enhanced composability, and improved accessibility, Christine Cai, Co-Founder of Cicada Partners, and Alexander Szul, CEO of Rome Blockchai...
Blockchain Friendly Roberta Metsola Reelected as EU Parliament President
In 2018, as a member of the European Parliament for Malta, she called for regulation on crypto and blockchain when needed, without stifling innovation.
Bitcoin Summer 2024: What to Expect
BTC is currently flat, caught in a plateau between narratives. What factors could wake the bull again? Alexander Blume, CEO of Two Prime, looks ahead.